
četrtek, 12. december 2013

Moja zimska nega ustnic

Letos mi ustnice nenormalno pogosto pokajo. Od začetka septembra sem porabila že 4 balzame za ustnice, najbolj pa mi pomaga trenutni: Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Lip Balm. Rada bi imela mehkejše in lepše ustnice, zaato sem se odločila, da bom:
  • pogosteje uporabljala balzam, vsaj na cca 2 uri in ne bom pustila ustnicam, da se izsušijo.
  • naredila domač piling za ustnice. Uporabila sem med, mleti sladkor in olivno olje. Recept za to sem zasledila na Janinem blogu.
  • pred spanjem si bom ustnice namazala z vazelinom, maslom ali balzamom za ustnice
  • zmešala vodo in sodo bikarbono, nanesla na ustnice, počakala da se strdi in nato sprala. Prebrala sem, da to pomaga. Sporočim kakšen je učinek ;) 
Jana ima na svojem blogu tudi giveaway. Tiste, ki nam je všeč naravna kozmetika, najdemo na njenem blogu ogromno dobrih nasvetov.

petek, 22. november 2013

My favourite things to do on a rainy day

Obožujem sneg. Dež, raje vidim, da ga ni. V deževnih dneh najraje:

  • ostanem cel dan v pižami, si skuham dobro domačo vročo čokolado in cel dan berem knjige, se vmes borim z mačkom, ki hoče še sam brati in listati in sanjarim, kako lepo bi bilo biti trenutna junakinja v knjigi...
  • grem brez dežnika na sprehod po dežju. Zvečer, ko je tema. In me noben ne vidi. Ker mi je nerodno, da bi me kdo vprašal, če je z mano vse vredu.
  • rišem, slikam, barvam in ustvarjam
  • naredim si pravi mini spa dan, ki seveda vključuje penečo kopel, kako revijo in dišeče svečke. Fant mi je zadnjič rekel, da je v kopalnici pravi raj za gasilce ;-)
  • preizkušam nove recepte sladic, jih nekaj pojem še preden se shladijo, vmes se še po možnosti opečem (prihajam iz družine nerodnih)
  • pokličem prijateljice in jih povabim na film in čokolado
  • sanjarim (in baje sitnarim) o tem, da hočem sneg, ne dež! Danes že pol dneva protestiram sama pri sebi in se jezim, ker je na vrhu Pohorja sneg, v dolini pa dež! Bleh
Kaj pa ti najraje počneš na deževen dan? 

sobota, 9. november 2013

Predstavitev pasme: mops

Tisti, ki ste gledali film Možje v črnem, se ga morda spomnite kot vesoljca Franka:

 Po zaslugi neke gospe sem že tri tedne začasna lastnica mopska. Priznam, da se mi je na začetku zdel zelo nenavaden, saj:
- smrči tudi ko je buden
- zgleda debel, ampak sploh ni (sem ga pretipala in ugotovila, da ima široka rebra, v trebuh pa ni debel)
- spušča dlake ( vsak dan jih pometem cca 1/2 smetišnice)
- je smešen z zavitim repkom in potlačenim gobčkom
- stalno je lačen in obvlada svoj žalosten pogled ;)

Mops je zelo prijazen pes, manjše rasti (cca 30cm), redkokdaj zalaja, pa še to bolj zabevska kot zalaja. Ker ima potlačen gobček, lahko pride do poškodb oči. Paziti je treba tudi na gubo nad noskom in jo redno čistiti.
Obožuje družbo človeka in je primeren za družine z otroki in za sobivanje z mačko.

Ima  velik apetit, zato je potrebno pazit na njegovo težo. Normalna teža je tam med 7-9kg.
Ne mara vode. Vsaj moj "začasnik" je ne.

torek, 22. oktober 2013

Drogerie-markt and Mueller haul

Današnji post je spet v slovenščini.
Po (pre)dolgem času sem si enostavno morala kupiti nekaj malenkosti zase. Ker z mrzlim vremenom moja koža postane suha in razdražena, v teh mesecih zelo pazim, kaj uporabljam za nego kože.

Alverde pflege dusche Vanille Mandarine tušgel z vonjem vanilije in mandarine je že nekaj let moj najljubši zimski tušgel. Kot vsi Alverde izdelki ima njihov značilen naraven vonj, vonj je topel, svež in ni  zadušljivo vanilijast. Po tuširanju mi kože ne izsuši in ne zateguje.  Cena je slabe 2€ za 250ml.

Alverde Korper Creme Mandel Teerose krema za telo za zelo suho kožo z karitejevim maslom in mandljevim oljem. Diši sveže, po vrtnicah. Upam, da mi bo lepo  navlažil in nahranil kožo. Cena je malo manj kot 3€ za 200 ml.

Neutrogena Handcreme koncentrirana krema za roke, ki je baje zelo dobra. Cena je malo manj kot 5€ za 50 ml kreme. Zdrži za najmanj 200 uporab.

Himalaya Nourishing Lip Balm in Cocoa Butter Lip Balm.  Hranilni balzam za ustnice jih vlaži, ščiti in mehča.  Ta je zame. Za prijateljico pa Cocoa Butter Lip Balm, prav tako od Himalaya Herbals. Cena za oba (v akciji): 2,20€.

Essence Smokey eyes brush.  Cena 1,39€.

2 zimski čokoladici, ena z okusom pomaranče in karamele, druga z okusom kokosovih makronov. Cena okoli 1€.

Bralno lučko in kazalko sem kupila za darilo. Cene pa se ne spomnim.

Opravičujem se zaradi okoli obrnjene fotke. Na računalniku zgleda ok, tu pa jo obrne postrani. :-(

ponedeljek, 16. september 2013

Tangle teezer

I have long, curly hair. Since I live in the city, my scalp became greasy and in the last few months I noticed, that they started to tangle. Well, they tangled before, but now? I couldn't even brush my hair anymore!
That's why I always had my hair tied in pony tail.

So I figured it out, that I have only two options left: buy a really good hair brush or cut my hair really short. I mean, a boy style short.

My hair products in use are:
- Weleda rosemary shampoo (great for greasy scalp, but I think that it participated in hair dryness)
- Balea professional oil spulung ( didn't try it out yet)

Any my new, totally adorable Tangle Teezer brush! 

It came with Escada desire me free sample. 

First, I wanted to buy brush with UK flag on it, but was out of stock. So I bought this cutie with sheeps.

It brushes my hair really nice, although I have a feeling that  it doesn't detangle all my hair.

sobota, 24. avgust 2013

Books I love

I love reading books and I love dogs. I found  great blog of a beautiful doggie whose human actually wrote a book! Now I just need kindle ;)

check here:

petek, 7. junij 2013

DIY facial scrub

I still remember my first facial scrub. It was Nivea's and  it was crap. :(  So, I googled and I found 2 new ideas:

1. Coffe + olive oil:  good, effective but somehow I always got some coffe into my eyes :(

2. Salt + milk: great stuff :)  But I got tired of it. After using it for atleast 10 years. :)

My scrub procedure
  1. Tie hair back.
  2. Wash face.
  3. To open pores, steam face over hot water or press warm cloth to skin for a few minutes.
  4. After preparing scrub, apply it to face (and neck if desired). Avoid eye area.
  5. Optional: Use a facial loofah, sponge, or brush to maximize exfoliation.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. Enjoy results!
 Last night I was looking for some ideas and I  found this:

Basic Baking Soda Scrub

Perfect for everyday use.
2 to 3 Tbsp. Baking soda
Small amount of water
Mix the ingredients into a paste.
Using a circular motion, apply to face and gently scrub.

Basic Cornmeal Scrub

Slightly more potent than the baking soda scrub, this works best on a 2 to 3 day interval.
2 to 3 Tbsp. Cornmeal
Small amount of water
Mix and apply in the same manner as baking soda scrub.

Rose Almond Face Scrub

To brighten and soften skin.
1 tsp rosewater
1/2 tsp almond flour or finely ground almonds.
Mix into paste and apply.

Oatmeal Scrub

A stimulating, thoroughly cleansing 3-in-1 scrub! Smooths, tones, and hydrates.
1 Tbsp. ground oatmeal (use steel cut oats, not instant)
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. yogurt
Combine and apply.
Optional: let your scrub double as a mask! Let it sit a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing.

Azuki Bean Scrub

Banish your blackheads. Especially effective for combination and oily skin types.
½ cup dried azuki beans
Grind beans. (Having a small coffee grinder set aside specifically for beauty recipes is a wise idea).
Add a little water to the mixture and apply.

Milk and Honey Scrub

Maximize or minimize its moisturizing effect at will.
Choose your dairy:
1 tsp Skim Milk (Oily skin)
1 tsp 2% Milk (Normal or combination)
1 tsp Cream (Dry)
1 tsp honey
1 tbsp ground almonds

Banana Scrub

A very finely textured, delicious-smelling scrub. Can double as a mask.
2 tsp mashed banana
2 tsp rolled oats
1 tsp milk
1 tsp honey

Honey Sugar Scrub

If you have ever used a body sugar scrub, you know how amazing they are. Work the same magic on your face!
1 tsp. of honey
1/2 tsp. of sugar (either cane or brown — both work well)
Blend in bowl. Apply.
Rinse very thoroughly, as this recipe can be slightly sticky.

“Eat Your Greens” Facial Scrub

A great organic recipe by The Green Beauty Guide:
2 tsp organic wheat bran
2 tbsp organic oatmeal
2 tbsp olive oil soap, finely shredded
1 tsp dried parsley
1 part dried lettuce
Shave your favorite plant oil-based soap.
Grind parsley and lettuce with pestle in mortar. (We have tried this – you can also blend it in a processor).
Add soap shavings and mix thoroughly.
Whisk in the oatmeal and wheat brand and continue stirring until thoroughly mixed.

Which scrubs are your favourite? How does your facial scrub procedure looks like? 

petek, 31. maj 2013

Photo a day

FatMumSlim has this beautiful site with ideas for photo a day. I have decidet, that I will attend this challenge in June.


nedelja, 26. maj 2013

Dunaj, Vienna, Wien

Yesterday, we (team from  catholic student center) went to Wien, visit their ZOO.  After  3 hours (or more?) in the ZOO, we went to eat. I thought and wanted, that we will eat Austrian speciallty - the Wiener schnitzel (Vienna steak), but instead, we went to some (sort-of) cheap Italian  restaurant. Although it was fine. and I had another attack. :( I don't know, this depression makes me feel like a monster.